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  • ESS and Wellness

    Our proprietary branded Health and Wellness Program, Nutritious Life, is an added service provided to our clients as a way to promote good nutrition and healthy living on site.  Supported by dietitians, Nutritious Life provides a balance of healthy food choices at all meals along with monthly nutrition education and promotional materials. 

    Nutritious Life aims to educate our diners about their food choices and lifestyle habits while putting a focus on moderation and variety with fresh, exciting food.  Our goal is to make the healthy choice the easy choice by ensuring these options are readily available, clearly labeled and highly promoted.

    The monthly promotional material provides insight on food trends, identifies topical issues and offers associated recommendations.  Our message is designed to encourage a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle change and motivate individuals to take control of their own future, increase physical activity and change to a healthier eating behavior and lifestyle.

    Ask the Dietitian

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Canada Links:

Health Canada: www.hc-sc.gc.ca/

Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation: www.heartandstroke.ca
Canadian Diabetes Association: www.diabetes.ca
Canadian Obesity Network: www.obesitynetwork.ca

US Links:

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: www.eatright.org

Choose My Plate: www.choosemyplate.gov/

American Heart Association: www.heart.org

American Diabetes Association: www.diabetes.org

National Weight Control Registry: www.nwcr.ws